I am a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, Certified Polarity Practitioner, Nationally Certified Massage Therapist, Certified Life Coach, SourcePoint Therapist and Reiki Master and dog trainer. Trauma release, Myoskeletal therapy, Aromatherapy, LaStone Hot Stone Massage and Raindrop Technique are methods I also use. My studies with many skilled practitioners include: Scott Zamurut, Michael Kern, Kathryn Ukleja, Mike Boxhall, Robert Schrei and Erik Dalton. As an apprentice to Dr Susan Gregg, I apply Toltec Wisdom to my work. Extensive travel to Mexico and Guatemala has greatly influenced my work bringing shamanistic disciplines into sessions.
My unique style of assisting clients to explore their issues somatically (in the body) allows me to take people to the next level by helping them integrate change in their bodies. My depth of knowledge and wisdom from various trainings and vast life experience, allow me to create very safe individual sessions for people wherever they are at that time. This comprehensive approach also draws on principles of meditation, metaphysics and uses the elements of sound and color to balance the body. Optimal health and personal empowerment for each individual is the ultimate goal of my work. I believe health is an ever evolving state of being that everyone can actively participate in. As a facilitator, my role is to assist in connecting an individual to their own health. I offer a nurturing environment for each person with my presence and personal integrity allowing everyone to work through an issue rather than being pushed through. I welcome working with anyone whether the need is from physical or emotional stress.
I also have a great passion for working with dogs. I have done so in many forms for over 30 years both training, offering massage and proper exercise programs. You can find out more by checking the dog training page.